Termination of Employees due to Poor Work Performance

The Employment and Labour Relations Act requires the presence of both substantive and procedural reasons for terminating an employee. Incompetence is one of several valid grounds for terminating a Contract of Employment.

Child Adoption: Law and Procedure in Tanzania

Any person above the age of twenty-one of high moral character and proven integrity may

Settlement of insurance claims in Tanzania

Globally, the insurance industry has been experiencing tremendous growth. This growth has made insurance claims/disputes

Corporate Litigation: Suing on Behalf of a Company in Tanzania

In corporate litigation, confusion often arises when an individual or corporate shareholder does not respect

Termination of Employees due to Poor Work Performance

The Employment and Labour Relations Act requires the presence of both substantive and procedural reasons

The Role of a Company Secretary

The “Company Secretary” position is sometimes misinterpreted as a role engaging in low-risk administrative duties.

Plane Crash: Victims’ and Carriers’ Rights and Liabilities in Aviation Disasters

International laws provide a worldwide system of standards and rules for air travel. The